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Tips With Toni

Dec 20, 2018

Wondering if you read the subject line right? You did! As a dietitian you know I feel that choosing to making healthy changes is a good idea, however WAITING UNTIL JANUARY 1ST is not. In this episode you'll learn 3 reasons why.

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Dec 7, 2018

Studies show that those who weigh themselves daily achieve better weight loss outcomes. However what if your goal isn't weight loss? What if getting on the scale completely alters your mood? Listen to this episode to learn what you should do!

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Nov 29, 2018

It’s the holiday season! You should be excited, right? Maybe you are, but maybe you’re also worried about gaining all the weight back that you lost so far. Or maybe you’re disappointed with yourself because you now realize your 2018 New Years resolution was to lose 20 pounds but the scale hasn’t moved a bit....

Nov 16, 2018

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Tara Ryan, LCSW from and it was too good not to share! In this episode you will learn:

  • What led me to my career as a dietitian
  • The #1 reason why clients reach out to me
  • What my clients realize they need from me after we start working together
  • My mission...

Nov 8, 2018

Most people describe chicken breast as bland, dry, and boring, but what if I told you there are a number of ways you could prepare your chicken breast with flavor while still reaping the health benefits? In this episode I describe 5 new ways you can!

For more information about Toni visit: